Saturday, March 31, 2007

bone design

If the sun makes flowers in its own image then who's really calling the shots.

Like a tear that fell as rain and left a stain to remain on rock face cheek like sorrow leaves a streak on the skin and everything begins to be round

Upon internal reflection angled to catch the nuances of character as expression of freedom in the flight of wings that make no sound

Implied in shape and colour a texture like bone turns a random design to the nightmare image we find when we peek into the dead places.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

about to become green

Yellow branches about to become green.

Designated as a place to make a mark the alien sun dial records time inside a diamond design.

I may have mentioned that this scene is right outside my window. if I look a little to the right and up I can see the treetop so that whenever the birds land there I'm ready. Over the last few days they have been progressively removing the branches for their nests. As a time sequence this has proved fun to follow, expect more until I guess there are no branches. I have a feeling though that this tree won't survive the summer. It'll be a fire risk very soon, poor dead thing sitting in a puddle of wet swamp. BTW: the bird is flying toward the ground, not sitting up.

the stone

like star field pattern
random explosion balanced
envelopes the mind

Recognize that jersey Bill?
Tyla and her friend with Cassie Campbell, a Canadian hockey great!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

stoned figures

Not a lot of variety as far as flowers but the colour sure is a welcome change.

Ah but there is even beauty and some texture in the even tones of grey.

At the very top of the waterfall there's a hole in the fence, Ryder thought it was for taking pictures through, like at a hockey arena, you know. You can climb the fence and go right underneath where the water spills out but it's extremely steep and kinda dangerous.

the cliff

elucidated from
time pressured shadow darkness
stoned figures emerge

Monday, March 26, 2007

springy things

Red angel in the flower like a candle of inspiration the formation of yellow light is a treat for the eye.

Cool view of the glacier today. The building is 'the' hospital. NOTE: Journalists refrain from using 'the' in front of hospital.

He learned to ride his bike over the spring break. I bought him a nice second-hand one today. He learned to use hand brakes as a matter of necessity. Already he's a daredevil, yikes!

the tale

ever changing scene
sun script adapts to landscape
tells a long story

Sunday, March 25, 2007

soft like whispers

Is the sun yellow because of the flower or vice versa.

In thousands of words like tiny whispers the creek tries to speak through a fine mist spray upon the face.

Caught in motion sunlight takes a step into a busy street scene.

Lost in the complexity of patterns following universal laws a single leaf once isolated becomes a subject of attention.

the well

tree stump cavity
contains dream pool access to
inspiration well

Friday, March 23, 2007

on the wing

the crow2

this then the portal
remote vision access node
ideas share space

It was the sound, like a cat hacking up a hair ball, but short and crisp, only one squawk, but enough to turn my head to see him, old friend, sitting again in the dead tree branches, seemingly within reach just outside this window, mental peripheral vision catches spirit manifest and time allows a moment to admire flight.

Welcome home, perspective is all in the way you look at it.

Behind the eyes and the smile you might find some kind of balance in the symbol.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


As if to tease on fingertips of grass a slice of colour yellow like the sun about to explode into colour.

Crescendo of sound expressed in the vibration of a round metal disc engineered to emit a certain perfection life in a metaphor as god sits in the corner and vibrates too, to the groove of the creation.

the voice

made manifest by
intentional mind focus
unspoken language

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Twisted in to the pattern of the thread life woven are empty spaces where access beyond the vibrant surface object is possible.

Always a way to place a face within the shapes nature makes when left to slowly change states.

Curiosity caught the cat trying to decide why this thing has no smell.

the lump

when colour divides
imaginary shadow
stretches into shape

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

pattern placement

Rising from a depth that has no dimension cellular formation is an indication of life force without a skin or a heart and a manifestation of everything connected at the core.

Based on three and placed in plain view the explanation for the seemingly endless duration of breath is to be the third wheel on a bicycle based on two.

the crow

sky kiss in bird flight
pattern within perception
vision without eyes

Thursday, March 15, 2007

brown is the ground

Brown is the ground where the trees play shadow games with the sun and mind and dance as they come alive.

Universal logo design patterned by no hand with a mind attached to fingers to touch and sully the purity of the line.

It's almost metallic and so non-descript in its abundance of neutral colour.

No smile is as welcoming as the one the ground gives up, willingly

Eye, see inside myself, reflection of what the mind sees when it imagines itself looking in the other direction.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

lost in confusion

Fingers cling to logic as the mind tries to piece together some semblance of cohesion amidst the darkness of oppression and breaks the pattern of grey with one tiny cell of blue sky hope.

Surrounded by opulence, perspective askew, pizza box living room with makeshift television scene, reminds of the homeless who live within walls.

Thin layers of creek caress the face of the stone and make spirits in the swirls of shapes.

When snowflakes reintegrate with the cycle of individual to whole and back again the resulting confusion like a profusion of symbols written in ancient script indecipherable to the educated on fractions mind trying to put together a comprehensive assessment of the presentation of the structure as example of the behaviour required to remain an integral part of the complicated collection when even resurrection is predictable and final

Monday, March 12, 2007

keep seeking

Vortex of visual stimulation vibrates a culmination of lines around an umbrella beneath a blue sky.

Sometimes they present themselves these tiny icons of some covert plot afoot designed to turn the mind toward o(h)m.

Discovered within the weave of table top textile the tale of two heads and the fish that came between them.

Soft like a bed of roses makes a multi-sensory texture to lay eyes upon.

Showered with a rainfall of imaginary design inside the scripture written by heat over time explains though often sublime the source code for the manufacture of basic elements.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

a retrospective

Two years ago I started this blog and have kept at it almost daily since. I have enjoyed it because it gives me a reason for going out and taking photos. Sort of a mental justification for continually looking for images all the time, everywhere. I went through each month and chose my favourite photo from each. I did not consider flower photos except for one, the first, or scenics. The beauty of them comes from nature not me. It is only my job to record it, if possible, so I leave credit for their existence to nature, not me. But what happens when you choose one from each month is that if I had a particularily successful month a lot of good images would be passed over. So these may not be my top 24 but at least my personal favourite would be among them. I don't know which that would be. Perhaps the shadow one where it looks like I have wings. I have always been partial to B&W. July 2006 was probably the best month overall for colour etc.

March 2005

I like the colours and composition of this shot. Kids and puddles are a wonderful thing. The first of many photos that would include Ryder.

April 2005

In fact that's his hand in this shot too. This photo has movement. The breaking light rays and reverse motion of the hand with the flicker effect of the straight bands behind keep this moving.

May 2005

My toes. Composition and colour. I love the change in visual texture the toes bring.

June 2005

It's like sound and the tiny white feather whose shadow beneath lends a depth to this.

July 2005

Ah, the first photo with the new camera. The beginning of my obsession with flower photos. I love the colours and clarity in this.

August 2005

I've always been partial to mannequin photos. It's all I ever look for wherever I go. It's an obsession I've had for twenty-five years. This one has a good blend and some subtle colours but the placement of the car and the expression on the person's face are what make it special for me.

September 2005

The colour and the way the whole thing is a fake representation of freedom of motion.

October 2005

Yeah well, sometimes images need to startle to keep the perspective objective, another mannequin photo that speaks to me of kinky love denied, yikes.

November 2005

I like the journey the eye takes as it realizes the two shapes are of the same source and one is inside the other. The careful composition of lines keeps everything moving back and forth.

December 2005

I love the non-border aspect of this. Reminds me of being a prisoner holding on to the bars and yet there is no cell around you, perception being the only prison held onto.

January 2006

There is a thing about the line placement here that forces a balanced focus to a perfectly round shape that just so happens to have my head in it. I like these kinds of shots where the viewer realizes it is a careful composition that makes it successful.

February 2006

Colours and mood here. It's like a painting of time or something.

March 2006

This shot reminds me of a cliche about touching the face of god?. I like the timing of the ripples and the splay of the fingers. The contrast of the gray and purple is cool.

April 2006

It's the story and how it is open to interpretation depending on perception and details of memories. Keep it simple.

May 2006

I think I have a thing for shadows. This reminds me of scribble tag, confusing. I love the way the coloured lines look like they were drawn in after the fact. Note how the blue line rises just in time to go over the head of the kid.

June 2006

Shadows. The composition of this is perfect. I love the wings on the back of the photographer and the way the rectangle of the camera fits perfectly with the surrounding lines.

July 2006

The orange short, the lines in the sand, the boat in the water, the sunlight hitting the water, everything keeps the eye bouncing around to settle on the boy, Ryder again.

August 2006

The step. Timed just right adds balance to the frame and motion to the composition.

September 2006

Another mannequin shot. I've always been big on strange juxtapositions.

October 2006

This is a photo of thought, the way the reflected trees within the dome of the head seem to be tibetan prayer flags, a perfect representaion of what goes on in mind, mine anyways.

November 2006

I love the painting hanging on the tree. The blend of the reflections is ideal.

December 2006

Simple, sometimes is so easy to see. I love the division of the frame into some kind of balance and the personality that is forced to come from the birds in order to explain this.

January 2007

I consider this a mannequin shot. I like that it doesn't look like a photo, more like a painting, and there is a strangeness to the split.

February 2007

As time goes on I'll probably like this less and less but for now the timing of it is like an animation about flight, it's almost educational.