for Jack
blow jack blow
dream spiders snake across starlight breaking in midnight window - spill sill white light night glistens of silver beads of morning awakening to hazy recall moment of hands crossing over lines holding strings to balloons of comic book thought bubbles - disappear into ether air like aquarium cleaner jostle fish with glurp glurp glurp as thought rises to the surface the unforgiving brain analyzes the intensity whether the click switch is turned on or not - these indelible impressions leave reminder remainders like tar on lungs to come out at the next unexpected cough - blow jack blow - blow those long winded arias through channeled vibrations - shake trees as you sweep across a landscape like godly breeze rattles even the bones of the dead - all those sleeping startle to find poor jack's voice in their mind as it blows and blows a new erosion of shoreline characteristics inherent to continuation as individual - worn away gradually each day by the strength of the blow from jack's horn as he screams at the sky what has been torn from under his feet was the very base he trained muscles on - to perform daring stunts of bravado into yellow and green colours wrapping all stray tendrils of clinging thought into one strong bundle of straw to sweep to blow to startle birds from trees and complacency and silence from every hidden corner - to appear right there in the power of all that he can blow and the depth of all emotional seas - will grow as access to mind caress welcomes all indications of progress as steps in the right direction
dream spiders snake across starlight breaking in midnight window - spill sill white light night glistens of silver beads of morning awakening to hazy recall moment of hands crossing over lines holding strings to balloons of comic book thought bubbles - disappear into ether air like aquarium cleaner jostle fish with glurp glurp glurp as thought rises to the surface the unforgiving brain analyzes the intensity whether the click switch is turned on or not - these indelible impressions leave reminder remainders like tar on lungs to come out at the next unexpected cough - blow jack blow - blow those long winded arias through channeled vibrations - shake trees as you sweep across a landscape like godly breeze rattles even the bones of the dead - all those sleeping startle to find poor jack's voice in their mind as it blows and blows a new erosion of shoreline characteristics inherent to continuation as individual - worn away gradually each day by the strength of the blow from jack's horn as he screams at the sky what has been torn from under his feet was the very base he trained muscles on - to perform daring stunts of bravado into yellow and green colours wrapping all stray tendrils of clinging thought into one strong bundle of straw to sweep to blow to startle birds from trees and complacency and silence from every hidden corner - to appear right there in the power of all that he can blow and the depth of all emotional seas - will grow as access to mind caress welcomes all indications of progress as steps in the right direction
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