Thursday, March 31, 2005

in a different light

I was in a hurry to get downtown. I intended to take the bus but missed it by less than a minute both up top and down below. I suppose I was meant to walk today for some reason, so I did. I tried to walk aware. It's hard when you are hurrying along to get somewhere, to take the time to stay in the moment and ... no hurry, I'll get there soon enough. With a conscious attention to detail, shapes, textures, light, colours etc. I am always looking for a photo. There are images wherever you are, all you have to do is find them with a frame.

Like mushrooms or clouds they float in a deep space way above a black cracked vortex that faintly reminds me of a drawing I am doing. It's the end of an old discarded log and not many would note in passing the universe contained within its own little landscape.

April was once the first of the year for some. Then the powers that be, who dictate even time recognition, changed the day to January. Any and there were some who refused to participate in the change were ridiculed and referred to as fish for believing such nonsense. It was common to pin paper fish on the backs of such people as a practical joke. This turned into a celebration of sorts, every April 1st.

A pulsing light on a flat glass receiver reacts to sound waves striking the dish and presents a manifestation of vibration in colours and spastic twitching of nerve ending light. A drum solo finger tap on the edge of the counter provides a repeating display of weirdness.

Everyone came for a walk with me to get Ryder from daycare. We carried his tricycle because I assumed he would love to ride it home. He refused, said he didn't like that bike. The wheels squeak and it's hard to pedal. I told him we would just throw it in the garbage then. He seemed to see his bike in a different light after that and I could see him wondering all the way home whether he could deal without the bike. He still didn't ride it though.


Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

I see.

in a different light

6:53 PM  
Blogger dave said...


how did you get here
thanks though
i'm gonna quote myself from that first paragraph

'I am always looking for a photo. There are images wherever you are, all you have to do is find them with a frame.'

7:02 PM  

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