Saturday, March 26, 2005


I tried to talk the kids into going for a walk but it's snowing/raining and they preferred to stay in. It's all the reason i needed to stay in myself. Laziness is an overwhelming desire to keep doing exactly what you are doing and enjoying it for its lack of sweat producing requirements.

Jenn called and asked if it was snowing here, she lives higher up than me, no, I said, raining, then looked out the window to see it was snowing up on the road 20 feet above but right here on the ground outside my window it is rain. It continues this relentless assault for hours. The mountains must be fairly dusted in white by now. Here in my little hole in the side of the hill the warmth of the ground and the heat from the building keeps a snow free aura around my window and I can see nothing but the wet side of the hill and the stairs to the apartment above.

There's a full moon tonight and if the cloud cover passes and the snow stops I'd like to venture out and somehow try to photograph it but this wet wall of silver is stuffed pretty thick into the valley


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