I like this photo, it's what I see when I look to my right from my computer chair. Ryder loves to play with his cars there. A sixth floor apartment and the ground outside my window goes straight up. Huh, it's oddball I know, and I think you'd have to actually visit to get the full visual effect. For me, it's my sheltered little den and I like the way it sticks into the hill and I can imagine myself a troll as there is a bridge out there too and I'm under it.
How many times has this happened as a parent. Your child is running for the corner, will he stop?, how do you know, what age can you finally trust they won't go on the road. Ultimately, never, the potential always exists that this time is the one where he continues into the road. His mother doesn't trust him nearly as much as I do. She runs after him all the time and he, thinking it a game, runs even faster. I'm not sure which is more dangerous. Then just to keep me on my toes. I'm standing at the light waiting for it to change. Ryder waits at my feet, a pedestrian starts walking against the light, Ryder follows. I was looking down at my camera but caught the motion, STOP, they both stopped, Ryder came back right away, the other guy too, looking very sheepish. He apologized but I absolved him of any responsibility. Always be on your toes, it's the hardest thing about parenting I find, the constant vigilance, even in your sleep!
So, I got a ride downtown to start and then ran into Jenn who offered a ride home. So much for the hour of exercise, oh well I probably got a good ten minutes in, ha. Realizing I was about to get a lift home, I scrambled for an image to shoot. I fell back on the trusty closeup focus and looked for colour. I found a variety of colours in a wind spinning thingy outside the toy store. I'm intrigued by the composition this free form without looking through the viewfinder is proving quite successful.
I decided to try some more photos outside around the building. The majestic back of the elephant looks formidable under dark skies. It's interesting to watch it snowing up on the top only. I monkeyed about a bit with some rocks and moss but there was not much going on in the way of colour. There is so much design and form we pass by in our quest to get where we are going.
Wow. Look how much they've both grown.
Wow, four years now I've been stranded here, lol
wanderin' thru the archives are ya?
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