Friday, April 29, 2005

be a wear

Look closely at today's selection of images for within the manipulation of camera and light and mind of decisive frame we can surely see two eyes challenging us to look closer at a simple bolt on a purple painted picnic table. A mirrored image but no eyes in sight.

Sign of the times sectioned and isolated still reveals the root of all evil in is the consumption of all given. Manufactured steel combustive destruction of natural functions coded in a shape of two lines chasing a moon.

Behind the time from yesterday the circles match eyes as they peer back and forth between their mutual rust marks.

Again the diamonds and the x's play havoc with the fore/back interpretation of a scene forbidding garbage to foul our planet with disposable people polluting beautiful blue of ocean green adds a sense of serenity to the finality of the scene.

Small hands calculate pressure required to grasp the bar for support before hanging eternally for fear of inflicting pain when it is only a one foot drop. When he finally got on solid ground he said his hands hurt. The ultimate fear is the fear of the unknown, not necessarily pain, but how much of it.


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