circular time
Targeted against flakes of steel pressed to form a barrier for the protection of our own good since the drop off the edge would be far below. Red circles of warning never fail to gain attention.
Perfect circles of shiny steel bound by a chain - the world owns us nothing, as a matter of fact, it's all ours.
Time is always measured backwards and implied by decay of paint to flakes of rust and little circles, even though the whole word can never be seen with it always in motion.
Inside the doctor's office we watched a sickly gentleman stop and clutch his chest. The first person they call is the Fire guy. He comes in in his little truck with no siren. After talking to the guy he calls for back-up. Suddenly sirens are wailing and a fire truck and ambulance pull up by the time we get outside. Seemed a little excessive for a guy just clutching his chest but that's how quick it happens. I just love the way the big red truck blocks in the nice tiny sports car.
The first photo with new batteries. I had hoped to see the difference by shooting the same scene with and without the new juice but got all screwed up with the focus so it didn't quite work. I want to try that red umbrella in sunshine again.
These purple ones are awesome against the gray concrete background plus the new batteries are working just fine again. Anyone care to inform me of the names of these flowers as I go along, go right ahead. I hate flowers but I'm warming up to them slowly as my soil dry from winter cold seeks some warmth, but names I need names. For the fantasy.
Time in Phlox.
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