thirst for colour
Jenn says three weeks difference in the season between her place and mine. In Fairview the tulips are starting to come up and in Rosemont only these tiny purple and pink and blue flowers. Much too small to get any kind of blast of colour it was necessary to find the yellow.
As promised the forsythia reigned today in the muted but appearing occasionally sunshine. I had to wait until it was time to go get Ryder and the light wasn't as strong. Along the creek there are lots of bushes growing wild. The tree wraps its arms up and around the bar meant to keep people from falling in. It provides a balancing colour and a point of focus within the random display of yellow bell flowers.
All her kids have the same eyes. Those oval shaped brown pools of beauty. Ryder loves my little digital camera. he's always looking for the pictures on the back though like most digitals have. This one is so cheap and so old that it has nothing. Just a button to push but with the unique feature of having a macro setting for the lens which provides many interesting close ups, especially of faces. He was staring and waiting for the flash to go off and I tried to get him to wrinkle his nose like his sister can do but he wasn't willing to co-operate.
i love these pics / & just your blog in general //
thanx dave
this is cool .. can you see comments yet?
I love the pics too, keeps me busy!
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