changing tires in mid flat

Getting around was difficult today with one shoe constantly flopping but I walked tothe Safeway. They are tearing up the street by the school and the traffic is all screwed up and I had to walk around to get to the store. I found the bar laying in the shade there and I knew it would shift with the strange morning light.

The tree has a whole bunch of strange colours. The orange and purple and the lime green with the eerie shapes made by the white fungus. Under shadow too the colours were a nice surprise.

Strange how the silver lock seems to jump out from the background colours in a three dimensional way. The lock is non functional. They tried to keep the back bridge door locked for awhile but the traffic was too much and a vandal continually damaged it until finally they took all the guts out but still haven't painted or fixed the door.

Two red lines, a round red circle and a yellow line. Formed on purpose as some kind of art piece with colour and shapes the final attempt becomes a scrawled punctuation of sunlight.

This is a strange colour and of course the typical maple leaf so indicative of Canada. I love the way it glistens in the sunlight and looks like it is wet. The colour is a very odd brown and nicely skin like.
the white moss is 'lichen' my dear -
geez i love this blog / the pictures are always a puzzle - - - i'll talk to you soon - - -hope you are having a great day - - - -
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