days on end

Determined not to look at the little camera I keep thrusting in his face, I have to estimate the focus and sort of move back and wait for him to turn. He did eventually and I love the strength of the gaze and the power of the shadow hiding the eyes. Nice close-up!

With a new horn on his bicycle he's as proud as any kid would be to have it. The colours are bright and go well together but somehow I'm sure the bike is red not orange. It's like dipping in the salad bowl with your hands and throwing back the ones you don't like, ya know?

Whereas here, here is the real orange. This is the strangest plant I have seen lately. All the flowers point down, around in a circle, and the top is all these long green fronds sticking up to the sun. Like a palm tree or a weird hairdo some friend might have had once. Even the gardener didn't know the name of the plant which is rather disappointing. Names, research, characters based on flowers.

See here is one that Nancy the gardener knew the name of. It's a Lentin Rose, awesome, they bloom in early February but this one was still around. She plants them beside Christmas Roses which bloom, of course, at Christmas. It would seem she has devised the plan to keep things blooming, always adapting to cycles like any good gardener does.

Well back to perception and staying on the toes, in order to remain open to as many possibilities as one can, leaving no turn unstoned and all joints properly oiled to avoid squeaking, where did the fantasy rainbow colour spill come from and the straight in the eye of the beholder, beauty eh?

Back to the orange rock, this is like the fourth time I've tried it and come up with pretty much the same colour every time except it's not the colour it appears, not even close really. Everything that could be construed as yellow within the image is definitely an orange hue under the sun.

The Hyacinth, in Jenn's garden, I love the colour and again this is about the fourth time I have tried to capture them and never does the focus seem right. I will try again and get it eventually, for now deal with the colour, it's very cool!

Now back to the circles and colour. This wheel was the inside of a machine that the guy was climbing in to drive as I took the shot. I think he might have wondered what I was sticking in the wheel well of his vehicle but I might have got away before he saw me. It was a hurried up shot that actually came out with pretty good focus. The bolts again catch different reflections of colours I don't see.

There was another board in this shot. I will go back again and get a different angle. This however worked out really well with the circle theme as the concrete ended up framed perfectly. The board is green and the other missing board a different shade of green so it will be interesting to see how the next one looks.

And finally an almost exact colour rendition of the scene the boards however are a little more brown than orange but sunlight does make them very bright. Made in Canada, noted on an oblique angle for reading but there nonetheless.

Do red and white lines constitute a circle? I loved the colours of this discarded stroller and now the tight weave of the square material becomes tiny little circles of red and white and black disguised by straight lines.

Again the straight lines try to hide the meaning in the foreign language graffiti scrawl across a postal box with a lock round and ample opportunity to get blue words of unknown origin to communicate a silent message with their angry form.
hey dave / i've been going through all the pics with mariah & max / they both love it / i didn't even recognize robin / but max did - - -
they both say hi dave
The fourth one down here, the flowers. Something about the way the sunlight hits them, the light and shadows. It’s got this real black and white quality to it. Real 1970's. At that’s the way I feel it.
I always wanted to tell you that.
At least that's the way I feel it.
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