eyes open

We found this ball on the walk to school. Deflated and useless beside the garbage can, instead of chucking it away we kicked it down the road and chased it together for most of the trip. At one point I dragged the toe of my boot across the ground trying to kick the ball and my shoe ripped apart. Separated sole like a dead shoe still clings to a foot and clops with the thwop of leather and rubber. Too bad, I liked those shoes.

Here where the creek passes under the road and comes out the other side is of course where Ryder likes to sit to listen to the roar. It's a twenty foot drop down to rocks though and it makes me nervous when he sits there. Yesterday we threw in a thick willow stick and it was still there trapped against the side by the power of the whirlpool the water creates when it pours out of there that fast.

On the outside of my home, my shell, a snail slugs along a vertical wall attached by the goo it exudes as it worms along. Circles and colour although the framing leaves a little to be desired it is what it is. It's headed out of frame by the way, that's his ass showing and it's probably leaking shit as we speak!

One finger about to press the round button to reveal the mystery landscape caught in an angled reflection through a car window.

Clouds swirl above and below Pulpit, timeless it drew spirit to this flat vantage point on the corner of a hill on the top of a trunk like a bump on an elephant's nose. Ever wrapped in the changing texture of rising and dissipating cloud this protrusion has a way of break large fog banks into small little puffs of smoke floating along the water and into the little creeks and streams.
The Creek 1
Whitewater, star-crossed
Angel: weave death.
Snail Wall
Not, snail.
Slow slime always.
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