welcome mat to nowhere

It's like a vortex into forever, the hole in the random stone wall, and at just the right angle, light will shine through. A rather gray and flat scene led to circles and colour.

Shot from above the fill within the frame is a glancing reflection like light off an orange ball slighty textured by wind.

Like a blue wash of paint the brass plate starts to emit the impurities in colour, poised and pure in whatever language the symbol is interpreted something round exists within.

Caught in the pale yellow eye of a spirit creature designated to be the keeper of the fire alive in the oral traditions combined with this symbolic reference.

Looking close within the bubble protrusion on the playground a child crosses the background giggling in red.

Green fluorescent arrows point in the opposite direction of the wheel spin and make glow in the dark hub lights for driving at night.

Marked in stone the mountain leaves us a reminder that colour and purpose is not always evident and it takes years of sediment to build up one line.

Toes touching blue frame of grid patterned squares and rectangles trapping rocks and discarded somewhere in the middle of the street. A welcome mat to nowhere.
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