where do hearts come from

Bleeding hearts I believe she called them. Well that makes sense. Odd these little flowers makes one wonder whether this is where the original symbol for a heart might have come from.

A strange tulip indeed. Not only did it have these neon colours but the edges were fuzzy or something with all these strange white hairs or something.

I went to the wall again but this time I brought Ryder and let hime choose the spots to shoot. For this one he wanted blue and he was most concerned after I took the shot that I didn't get the blue.

I really like this choice of a spot to shoot. The colours are awesome and he really knows what to look for as far as where they were closely joined together so they fit into the frame.

Like alien faces appearing out of blue denim space the arc of the design like a moon rising through the sky.

Like mystery lips remind the purveyor of fine flower forms why balance is an integral part of design.
The Vulva. I heard a theory that hearts more closely resemble labia majora, and that's where the shape comes from.
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