bless the sperm donors everywhere!

prestigious implications in a boat chain always washing away the outer plating

silhouetted in yellow it seems a tiny pink heart rises in the center

spotted falling in flight from a bird the feather lands to be photographed in the backdrop that never holds still

well the pink is a little closer to original but still lacks a kick!
i like the fallin' feather - and you're gonna have to show me that pink grate when I get to Marijuana Town.
when are ya here?
it might be gone by then
hurry hurry
gone???? it' can't be gone!!!
August, man! Cain't it wait till August!?!
well things is and the reason its pink is they are re-doing the road. I suspect when the construction is done there will be no grate at all let alone a pink one. In fact I can guarantee when its all done there won't be a sign of pink anywhere. august eh? damn well time flies
Red Flower 6
Stopping secret:
Open firework season.
Feather Water
Robed Madonna,
Bird will cover.
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