on it goes, new weapon in hand
These original images are 2272 X 1704. Blogger automatically reduces them to 1024 X 768 (if clicked) and 400 X 270 to view here. The real power of this camera shows clearly in the larger images. This forum for exposure doesn't quite do them justice yet even still the quality is pretty good! This is going to be fun! I think I will get back to trying to post some photos each day. I just lost motivation there anticipating the arrival of money. It's like everything goes into this weird limbo and you find yourself procrastinating by saying, oh as soon as the cash is here I will be able to do that and this and that. And yet once arrived, nothing much has changed.
Walking down Baker St. today this long white pimpy looking car cruises close to me and honks. I don't recall knowing anyone with a car like that so I figured it must be some guy hitting on a woman passing by. Then when I hear my name I turn around and go back and look inside. Kevin with a huge grin says, very john like, or pimp like, whatever your pleasure, Get in!

So I take a morning detour up to Kevin's house. I once lived in a different house Kevin owned, like twelve years ago, but he still has his cat, Maow, cuz that's the sound she makes. Maow is one of those cats who can drink from a running tap and being the queen she is actually insists on it. Maow is also a transcendental plane traveller and once rescued her owner from an intense acid trip into another place and time, reminding him of the sublime and the actual.

Out in Kevin's backyard there is a heavy odour of skunk and it's not us causing it for once. Kevin takes the hose around the yard and sprays down the smell. Then bravely crawls under his deck to ensure there is no critter lingering there. When he popped out I was ready for him with the camera and the slight focus shift is a unique blur that I have only really seen with digital cameras. Film cameras tend to blur in an entirely different way.

We stand on the deck checking out the day while I focus on the ground and instinctively click a shot of our shadows. I like the way Kevin's head is at such an odd angle and some bright colour, whoa!

Demonstrating the close-up to Kevin I took a shot of his crab shell that he leaves around to haunt the squeamish.

And almost unnoticed on the wall in the corner the strange musical instrument somehow morphed into a three dimensional wall painting.
Walking down Baker St. today this long white pimpy looking car cruises close to me and honks. I don't recall knowing anyone with a car like that so I figured it must be some guy hitting on a woman passing by. Then when I hear my name I turn around and go back and look inside. Kevin with a huge grin says, very john like, or pimp like, whatever your pleasure, Get in!

So I take a morning detour up to Kevin's house. I once lived in a different house Kevin owned, like twelve years ago, but he still has his cat, Maow, cuz that's the sound she makes. Maow is one of those cats who can drink from a running tap and being the queen she is actually insists on it. Maow is also a transcendental plane traveller and once rescued her owner from an intense acid trip into another place and time, reminding him of the sublime and the actual.

Out in Kevin's backyard there is a heavy odour of skunk and it's not us causing it for once. Kevin takes the hose around the yard and sprays down the smell. Then bravely crawls under his deck to ensure there is no critter lingering there. When he popped out I was ready for him with the camera and the slight focus shift is a unique blur that I have only really seen with digital cameras. Film cameras tend to blur in an entirely different way.

We stand on the deck checking out the day while I focus on the ground and instinctively click a shot of our shadows. I like the way Kevin's head is at such an odd angle and some bright colour, whoa!

Demonstrating the close-up to Kevin I took a shot of his crab shell that he leaves around to haunt the squeamish.

And almost unnoticed on the wall in the corner the strange musical instrument somehow morphed into a three dimensional wall painting.
so THAT's the guy who drank a whole vial of acid - interesting...
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