rare and sacred moments

Theoretically, the alley leads somewhere, the face appearing from its haze, destined to go there, and bring back the mirror reflection with the doleful gaze, who longs for her to take him out of the glass trap perception repetition maze, cornered by a wrong turn, they slammed the brakes on just in time.

The longer one studies this somewhat bland photo, the more the question 'what?' turns into 'Hunh'. It is very odd. I think I love those curtains, kind of feels like home.

First I saw a woman stop on her bicycle and peer down into the water for a few minutes, after she rode away I looked to see what she was staring at. Almost like a cardboard cutout it stood there without motion, a heron, I don't know for sure, The Great Blue Heron, of which there are not many left. I have seen them before in Creston, at the water land sanctuary or whatever, but this is the first time I have ever seen one in Nelson.

Of course as I fumbled about trying to get closer I scared it away, but he landed only a short distance off. This time I moved along the rocks very slowly, with no sudden motions. Within no time I was very close. I took this shot and in my haste, stumbled as I moved and it was off before I could even grabbed it in flight as I had hoped to do.

What, another flower? I know I know, it's so odd for me to shoot so many but I can't help it. They are colourful subjects, they don't object to having a camera stuck in their face, and they are patient as hell.

Some of these flowers are the little blue things that show up on the stems of the weeds lining the railroad tracks. The colour looked good in the gray overcast light and close-ups are fun!

I think the lure here is the face of the universe displayed in random patterns of colour and texture that manifest as flowers, or flow_ers, epitomizing eternal interconnected flow, incarnations, carnations flow-ers, 'A Carnation Is A Flower'!!!

Okay, awhile back, like maybe fifteen years ago, I photographed these meters. The graffiti on the wall then was something to do with sex, like you know, monitoring or metering your addiction to the drug 'sex', heh, or something like that. Anyway, another angle, a different year, different graffiti.

This are some very cool pictures here, but I'm sure you knew that. Huh? I really dig the window, and, for some reason, the little blue flower. I just noticed this year how beautiful that they really are. For so much of the season, they are but "sticker bushes." I....M OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD, THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ!
yeah, yeah, so I find simple things difficult to say sometimes.
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