reflections of

Where's all the blue food? ...
George Carlin asked that question in the 70's, "There's NO blue food!" he reiterated emphatically. If you are anything like the teenagers who said no when I asked them if they'd heard it before, then go out and find some of George's recorded performances. Make sure you are good and stoned and have a soft place to lay down while cracking up.

Further proof, that it is possible to totally manipulate someone's eye movement within the frame. If your eye doesn't follow the shadow to the right side then you better open your eyes. I love the way the texture on the left holds you there but those vanishing lines keep nagging the eye to look away.

Once again direct eye movement manipulation with the purposeful framing. Funny thing this photo, the farther away from it, or the smaller the image on the screen in this case, then the more shopping cart shadow lines there are that appear.

There's a strange light source present in the round circle at the top left of the image. It gives this the necessary alien bug feel, although the bug isn't so alien as I had seen one earlier that looked remarkably like this, well except for the colour.

Speak of the devil . . . bug, because really I have an aversion to touching this one. Some of them have wings too and when they fly they sure don't look too coordinated, rather other planet-ish if you will. I kept a safe distance and used the close-up feature, this viewing screen thing is very cool, I like it.

This was a fun and interesting shot. My view of the bus bumper was just a reflection of my feet but I knew if I held the camera close to the ground then the new angle would perhaps get my head. Like the flag pole the other day I kept point and shooting until I got the framing right. Kind of a strange self portrait but hey, who said the person had to be recognizable. Oh and there's the source of the SHWO photo from the other day if anyone's noticing.
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