Monday, September 26, 2005

True North Strong and Green!

Disconnected and out of season they wait in a bucket like so many discarded shells for souls no longer connected as resistors to the flow that goes through invisible wires

Following the pathway to the light at the end of the tunnel there really is no place like ohm. Hidden like a fractal pattern within the construction of all objects is the universal symbol that is really a sound.

Scattered with purple circles the stoned road that leads to the acidic pool of desire is tenuous and fleeting and never holds to a perpendicular plane

The brilliant yellow with blue behind always provides stunning contrast and its almost like cheating to combine the elements thus.

America and oil product with a clear but small warning is safe behind the steel fence but portends danger for the stray leaf trapped like a spider victim in sticky webs.

Round circle of fingers pinch the tiny object and tell the whole story when the shadow is observed.

Justin's car - such a beautiful and shiny object and the wheels are brand new! Noticing the curved reflection in the shiny bumper one might almost make out me.

A boat full on the water or an ocean scene horizon line - the empty bucket is full of visual imagery if one removes their blinders before viewing.

For some reason this photo reminds me of a flag. I took it another step and quickly tried to create something like what I saw.

The True North Strong and Green!


Blogger 666poetry-finchnot said...

hey / i recognize thos bulbs

& that flower

& that other flower

& i'm almost certain i know
that sunflower

hey / that bucket

& even those last couple look
suspicious lee familiar / /


i love these flowers you've been
posting the last few days /

i've never seen a foxglove look
the way those ones do / portals
pleasant lee poisonous / damn
they are beautiful / i like the
distortion of the first one

i'll never look at them the same way
again /

great shots dave / thanx for
reminding me / my garden still
looks great & is full of colour

it makes me feel / optimistic


11:29 PM  
Blogger Lorna Dee Cervantes said...

"True North Strong and Green"

Colour Lights

Resistors wait.
Disconnected invisible soul.

No Place

Path. Hidden
Ohm. Death Light!

Flower Path

Now. Acidic
Road holds desire.

Flowers 39

You cheat —
With born beauty.

American Oil

Between soil
And steel. Hand?

Shadows 10

more empty —
Hand or art?

Justin Wheels

To go
But find self.

Blue Bucket

Empty of
Bucket — Fill me!

Green Leaf

Leaf to
Seed to leave.

True North

None see
You northern light.

12:25 AM  
Blogger Lorna Dee Cervantes said...

(just ignore me) (:- )

I'm like the photographer
trying not to be intrusive
or scatter the butterfly


I'll type up and send you the rest of 61
or should I just post them to the pics?
be like an easter blog hunt

12:30 AM  
Blogger dave said...

i love them posted with the pics
it is very cool and quite interesting

"trying not to be intrusive
or scatter the butterfly"

beauty eh!

6:45 AM  
Blogger Lorna Dee Cervantes said...

*correction of typo*

True North

None see
Your northern light.


9:27 AM  

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