atoms in empty space

Posed on the edge of change a fallen leaf takes a final drink from the stream before the wind behind the rain completely submerges this thought manifestation the tree had one day.

Simple symbols repeated through time fail to convey the purity of their design if we add the notions in our mind of what they mean and why.

Taken from a vantage point too close to encompass the relation of one object to the other it is impossible to decipher the clues until the reduction in scale can be achieved through a completely objective overview without bias. Face it, up close we're all a bunch of atoms in empty space.

It's the way the lens focuses when it is in close-up mode. The depth of field is mere millimeters (1/32 of an inch, ya know) and it makes the center jump out from the fading fall off of the focus.

It is getting very difficult to find flowers. Oh there are the pansies or whatever they are that are in abundance as they must be quite hardy, but they bore me. In design and in the way their colours seem almost manufactured in some paint factory somewhere. There is quite the colour shift here in the dim light of a gray day. It makes the rich purple into a strange blue.

This as a pink almost neon glow is the only thing with any bright colour in a surround of faded browns and very pale yellows. Again the shift in hue from low light levels creates a soft quality to the neon that negates its vibrancy, still, it's a cool colour!
I know. I love those little strange blues. They seem to more resilient than most flowers this time of year.
I saw something today that caught my eye, told many stories, a vibrant yellow rod admist thousands of faded, dead ones, beautiful.
Leaf Rain
Dreams swimming.
Leaf helps wake.
Yin Yang Peace
Bends eternally.
Brown blood slashes.
Face Focus
Talks. Thick
Wood listens. Hole.
Talks. Black
Skull listens. Breachwood!
Flowers 49
Bloom! Each
Head our own.
Flowers 50
You of
All I see.
Flowers 48
Haughty hope,
Keep life alive!
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