water makes me happy

With careful calculation it is possible to discern a face almost as part of the shadow cast to give it contrast. Obey ... obey who? ..hmm obey instincts .. I think I will!

The colour was definitely a factor in the choice of this flower. The deep blues and rich purples are awesome. I also like the faded and dying petals that have shifted their colour too.

Sharp colour and sharp fingers poking out give the flat design of the three dimensional flower a strange appearance, reminds me of a martial arts throwing star or some sort of dangerous little weapon.

In motion a flag snapping in the wind reflected in a puddle rippled by the same wind creates an eye-catching scene that disappears when it stops moving.

It looks like a nice bench to sit on. This is part of the waterfront pathway and it is an awesome place to go for a walk. I like getting close to the water, it can be very calming.

Take the time to really look at this photo. I took care to compose it in a way that is balanced and somehow reflects the effect of water. I feel like I managed to do that as I find it very meditative and actually quite interesting to look at. Enjoy!
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