in thing to do

Faded like old skin withdrawn veins suck supple fluids away to leave a fragile frail face.

Inside the collection of angles the proper perspective becomes whichever way the brain tries to rearrange elements to imply depth yet never quite gets it right.

Future drawn in the cars decorating the blanket for the baby boy's dreams of one day driving a Studebaker because it's the 'in' thing to do.

This is the work going on beside my apartment. Those are my windows covered by the boards and the seventh floor windows above. Yes the building is stuck into the side of the hill and the ground meets at the seventh floor. The effects of gravity require that a retaining wall be put in. I want a patio with sliding glass doors installed but I guess that's out of the question.

Across the road at the back. This guy's house is at the end of a dead end street and he always does huge elaborate displays. I'm bound to end up with some more shots from here once he gets the lights going. The faded Santa looks to be about forty years old and still pumping out spirit like nobody's business.

Simplicity in symbolism conveys messages of emotion crossed like anger like defiance, opposing forces enacted as two lines colliding at the point where the x marks the spot.
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