another nelson hippie

Robert Arthur Waldie (Art), awesome artist, dear friend and a man with a sense of what it means to be Scottish. Art is a gifted wood sculptor although time has left his hands unable to carve anymore. He started out as my friend Garry's dad but quickly became much more than that. It is always beneficial to have a wise, older person around to get ideas from and he has always been extremely supportive.

Art is getting his hair cut tomorrow. And not a bad head of hair for someone turning 83 in March! It was imperative that we get a shot from behind too. Look at those waves of beautiful white hair. Damn hippies are everywhere in Nelson!

It is rare that I actually walk across the bridge. I don't like it. The heavy trucks shake the damn thing as they pass. I always close my eyes and wait for the swaying to stop. It is very other-worldly.

Lately it hasn't been the same colour. They have been painting it for years it seems and sometime soon they will be finished and bob will shine with youthful vigor again.

Big Orange Bridge or simply bob. Referred to like a dear friend or someone who's been around for so long, 1957 to be exact. Planes have to fly over it to land here, it's gotta be orange!

It affords a view of the city without power lines anywhere so that is kind of nice. Mixed bag day of clouds moving all around and snow slowly melting.

The effect this scene has when you see it in motion is cool. The family feeding the pigeons has enticed all the ducks and they form a line like school children and file up the little hill to the wet place where the birds wait for someone else to control their fate. After all they're dumb birds, they can't find their own food. Oh, that's Lakeside Park and the beach right there although it looks like it could use a little sunshine!
Arthur is very cool "The White-Out" remains one of my favorite reads. Though I do not know him, he has taught me many things.
Thank you for reminding me.
~ James
I am not familiar with 'The White-Out' of which you speak!
yes Art is awesome!
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