one of a kind

I'm looking to start a theme of photos that can't be repeated. Things that are going to melt away work well for this idea as do shadows.

Most that aren't Canadian think we are a frozen wasteland, they're not so far wrong. GO CANADA!

Like little shattered panes of glass the pattern each fallen snowflake makes is fleeting.

Wild animals caged in the corner clamor to escape the confines of the fence. Now, which one's Ryder?

Not a particularly interesting sunset, just to illustrate a point. During the darkest part of winter the sun sets just about on the left edge of the frame and in the summer at about the place the cloud touches the mountain on the right side. This makes for an even earlier sunset in the winter just because of the shape of the hill. This is around 4 in the afternoon. It sure has changed quickly in the last six weeks. Yeah, the return of some colour!
ah, finally a perspective on the
setting sun / great shot dave
yes / we are almost in the middle again
what a relief / it's even warmed up
a bit / now it's only 3 below / lol
love these shots
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