another perspective
He not busy being born is busy dying.
- Bob Dylan

Convex curve curls lines so the closer things appear the more objective they become.

Textured by a painter's soft brush the bark of the tree steps from the surreal to feel like wood.

Monkey see monkey do! Nothing like a little blood flowing to the head for the ultimate 'natural' headrush!

In continual motion the movement in the frame is purely mental as the brain processes the monster on the chair and the bicycle wheel ready to roll.

Contrast in green ripples to life, flower faces turn to become the sun they seek, in yellow colour and flare of flame from the heart.
Dylan rocks. And so do you my friend, so do you.
That fucking tree.
It's almost
feathered. Good one.
nice one...glad you noticed. i stood there and looked at it for awhile wondering if it could really transfer to film (so to speak) and I thought it was worth seeing if it could. It must have worked because it sure looked feathered to me too. Thanks dude, for dropping by!
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