stump signs
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy.
- Edgar Bergen, (Charlie McCarthy) US comedian & ventriloquist (1903 - 1978)
thick white drop
of rain perhaps
sprays skin
as it almost brushes
cheek to splat
at the feet
yellow and gray
and white and thick
beside the step just taken
the proximity too close
to measure
the timing too precise
to be merely chance
a bird shit in my face today
but for the least
of space between

I returned to the scene of the near fatal shit bombing and sure enough the remnants of the close brush with nasty lay splattered on pavement shaped like some fallen angel who missed the kiss of fate.

Come, sit, talk awhile, so I sat and tried to ignore the face in the rock leering at me as I tried to look away then resolved to record for another day the scientific evidence to prove pareidolia is not just imagination run wild.

Caustically carved into the face of stone a discovered landscape is alien in form.

Only the broken-hearted know the colour of the ache of love lost and it is brown.

The defining line between the written the shadowed and the real merges to become one statement caught in the act of creation.

Locked. Really, the barbed wire is kind of overkill. After all anyone could just walk around the gate to get in

Star vista pattern laid in the sand to send the aliens the signal as to where the weirdos live.
Me and Tony looked at these pics last night - of course he fixated on the heart shaped rocks. I like the quote - reminds me of a Bill Hicks line: "When you're stoned, you can do anything you normally do, you just realize it's not worth the fuckin effort."
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