access concentration
Learning builds daily accumulation, but the practice of Tao builds daily simplification. Simplify and simplify, until all contamination from relative, contradictory thinking is eliminated. Then one does nothing, yet nothing is left undone. One who wins the world does so by not meddling with it. One who meddles with the world loses it.
- Lao-Tzu (604 BC - 531 BC)

Even beneath the fiery red of the temper there lies a calm center place where the heat can return like the flame of peace appears beneath the rage.

Perfectly nibbled by deer or bugs or both the appearance of the object could now be placed perfectly in the frame.

Left to trail in their own direction the bubbles of distraction coupled with the monotonous drone of the creek flow everything to vibrant red fields replete with yellow flowers, like fire in the field of attraction is only another temptation along the thought pathways to access concentration.

Allowing thoughts to find substance as a fence, a barrier to the integration of layers of access shifting between observance and awareness, diversity in all things not noticed finds the one point in the empty place at the base of infinite space.
That Lao Tzu quote... My first introduction to him was a poem attributed to him in an anthology I stumbled upon my last year of high school on a bookshelf somewhere. It was obviously a different translation of the same thing - the wording in your quote is different, but the spirit is the same.
yeah that's from the Tao Te Ching. There are many translations of it available. It's the 'bible' of the universe and Zen. I've been trying to make zen photos of late, through meditative and concentration practices, it's kinda odd but interesting nonetheless, so i thought the quote appropriate.
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