instant gratification
There is a seed of truth and wisdom in all negative circumstances and knots. They exist for a reason. What reason, it is up to us to find out.

Mandalic in design the key to the mind lies in the simplicity that binds everything to the same template.

As if to verify the opening of the eye to patterns wherever they may lie, the forgotten trunk provides another mandalic pause.

It's almost too easy. Just hike up along a creek for five minutes listening to nothing but the roar of water. All thought dissipates as fast as bubbles submerge beneath the continuous flow.

A break in some cloud and a place between trees, where the sun lit the swirl, where the creek turned its energy, into the deepest spot, and a few broken branches to clear a hole for the head to cast the mind within the twist of noise and water in a whirl.

This the face surround of rock isolated by the unusual elevation of flow becomes the base that leads to a creek ready to go between trees.

A little twist in the course of the vibrant creek. Note the rock this shares with the photo above. There was something about this vortex today that circled me in to it.

The place where the weather comes from, most of the time. What we see here as a break in the cloud will take about half an hour to get over us. It's been a series of rain clouds then sunshine, on and off, for days now. It's fun to watch!

Sharing, is magical when it's family.
Where's that creek?
That's Anderson Creek right by my house, runs beside the college, flowing strong beneath the green.
Hey Dave. These are breath taking, as usual. The photos of the water are both turbulent and soothing...sorta mirrors my mood at the moment, I guess. lol. The kids are adorable. *hug* Have a good week. Sorry I haven't been by in a while. I peaked in, but have been writing like a maniac. ;-) Nothing like a new publication to get your juices flowing, eh? Later!
thanks Mary, I always think "at least mary will like them" whenever I shoot the bubbling creek. Glad to see you inspired like this, very cool!'re so sweet. I love all your shots. You have a wonderful artistic eye and I appreciate it all! :-)
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