ain't doin' nuthin'
One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say.
- Will Durant (1885 - 1981)

I ran into lx forde today outside oso. He was putting some of his art up along the concrete wall. Apparently, to show your art in a public place in Victoria it costs 1,000$ for a permit. Wow! He made some arrangements with the coffee shop and then put up his stuff. I think it's pure genius his idea to nail them to boards. But when I saw him driving the nails right through the wood that the painting was done on, I knew there was something odd going on. It's like 200 years from now that painting will sell for several million more, because it has actual holes pounded by the artist. To this I can attest.

I took some close ups of a few and posted them separately earlier. I like the haphazard arrangement of the pieces. It adds to their theme somehow. I personally think his work is awesome.

Curled within the vortex of triple reflection the object between layers repeats itself while everything else curls the same way in to the center of a focal point reflective of the art upon the wall.

Sometimes the sky and the signs seem to point in the direction of action being taken with only shapes to relate to in the smoke-stained blue.

Sectioned into pieces behind a screen the face tries to peer inside.

Leave it to a kid to leave a bunch of spit behind as if to remind one of the underlying pattern in everything.

Within the intricate layers of opinion around artificial intelligence and learned behavior there is no denying the moment used the camera to express itself without using a mind.

Facets like faces try to disturb the formal mind enough to let the subtle impressions work their way in, bonus points if you can find the nose without the grin.
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