tears stream
Every galaxy has a black hole at its centre.

Deep red intensity glows all the more with yellow textured fingers to clash against.

Purple is set in the sun where yellow becomes the one to bring it to life again!

Hats off to Kansas! Keeps me thinking outside my box! And that's always a good thing!

Marching to the beat of commercialism run rampant, Sponge-Bob shirt, Batman shorts, and a Superman hat. He had an extra hat today, an Ottawa Senators one, he tried to hand it to me, I let it fall to the ground, No way would I touch that. No look Dave, he said showing me the NHL logo inside, it's hockey, smart kid!

Drawn to the place the light makes as an empty place where the feet are not so close they spread like ripples in concentric circle away from danger.

Without even looking behind the shapes of the mind come crawling up and manifest as shadows unseen except for the furtive paranoid glance behind to see if those shadows harbored can find a way to escape

I know, hockey ended on Monday night and it took until Thursday to shave off the playoff beard. It's not as easy as it might seem. The actual hockey players, the ones truly entitled to wear playoff beards, shaved theirs and put them in pillowcases, one for each team, then auctioned them off on ebay, yikes! The last time I grew a playoff beard there was then a hockey strike and I ended up growing it for over a year, in protest perhaps. I shaved it when they signed a new deal - July 22, 2005. So I had this one since April 12th. Tyla didn't want it to go, but that's just normal resistance to change. Anyway, she took the photos and did a fine job.
"Which one is younger?", I said.
"That one", she said smugly, pointing to the photo with the beard,
"I took it first!"
A Koan story:
Kyogen said: Zen is like
a man hanging in a tree
by his teeth over a precipice.
His hands grasp no branch,
his feet rest on no limb,
and under the tree
another person asks him:
Why does Bodhidharma come to China from India?
If the man in tree does not answer,
he fails;
and if he does answer,
he falls and loses his life.
Now what shall he do?
In such a predicament the most talented eloquence is no use.
If you have memorized all the sutras, you cannot use them.
When you can give the right answer,
even though your past road was one of death,
you open up a new road of life.
But if you cannot answer,
you should ages hence
and the future Buddha, Maitreya.
Kyogen is truly a fool
Spreading that ego-killing poison
That closes his pupils' mouths
And lets their tears stream from their dead eyes.
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