something in the air

Petals of pure texture patterned into a round surround of colour.

Caught by colour and the way the sun makes a shape in a flower.

It's the pattern drawn by the red as background that frees the mind to interpret objectively.

Central circle of revolution explains the timed interval necessary to make motion into a pattern perfectly structured to be a template of the sublime.

They are everywhere if you really look to find that eyes are but windows so imagination can see.

Drawn into the segmentation, focus on individuality is lost in the perfect distortion of the parts that make up the whole.

There has been a subtle haze in the sky that almost makes it seem like it's not hot out. It is.

All the smoke makes for some interesting colours.

Shifted through particles distorting perception movement within water expresses light as muted reflection across waves.

It's really too bad, being of Scottish descent and all, that the bagpipe makes such an awful sound. The original intention was as a weapon I do believe, and what better way to scare away your enemies. The local Kilties, practice beneath the bridge. The acoustics do something for them. However it can provide a most annoying background to an otherwise nice evening. Ryder insisted on seeing them in action but I don't think he was impressed with the noise. I like the photo though. The two open trunks and the space between the pipers.
I love the fist photo. It's like a beautiful secret being revealed.
And the smokie shot of the sun on the water; Some invisabul creature is playing jump rope around the sun.
the changing colour on the water was very cool, it went from bright gold to a deep red in a few minutes, very cool to watch, thanks for stopping by!
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