removed like rain

Like wires gathering point-of-focus attention, to envelope with colour all intention of thought, to find a place to land.

I'm really partial to blue flowers, abundant and repetitive or not, I love the birthday candles inside.

Re a comment James made the other day, I tried to find a way to take a photo of a flower with sky behind. I tried to think outside the box, so I picked the flower and threw it in a puddle reflecting the sky. It didn't turn out like I envisioned but still became something a little different.

Same flower, same puddle, inspired by a mind seeking to find a way to see inside the flower mind and feel the sky behind.

Which of course led to this, another flower plucked and immersed in a tiny pool of water with the brown stones behind. Thanks James, that's three for you this day!

Removed, like rain in its fall to the ground is suspended in motion, the point of focus then relies on the balance of the background shapes to lead the eye to the place where comprehension is made.

Funny how it seems to me there is a personality to the face found along the way and it keeps reappearing to say hi.

The simplest of pleasures composed within the simplest of lines available defines the very moment when the rain fell on a brain and we all felt it.
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