penguin man

Foreground to background and back again which line defines subject and what makes the mind switch from one to the other.

My birthday photo of her, though one day late, One day she'll laugh at this I'm sure. This is so her. Pink, with her nose in a book, dig the socks, too cool!

Paint-gun man (penguin man as Tyla says) he figures to use his older brother's paint gun while he's not there. Ha, he will try, you can be sure.
Shame about the hat.
damn, I was hoping no Leafs fan would notice. I should have known you'd see that Bill. He got that hat from daycare last year. When I first saw it I threw it on the floor and stomped on it. All the kids just stared at me and Ryder laughed. He loves the Leafs, though, make no mistake!
ah, Dave...the kids are so cute!
*sigh* The autumn leaves. They pulled me in. I couldn't stop looking at them. Thanks for this one.
yeah those leaves keep getting me too, it's a neat image.
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