it is useless

You better watch out, someone is always watching.

Desperate for the flourish of colour alive in the petals of earth's gift to the sun.

I was waiting for him to get farther into the frame to make a balance when suddenly his feet lifted. I missed getting him in air by about two tenths of a second, alas. Ooh that one hurt!

Behind the obvious in a matter of seconds of concentration the landscape envelopes the mind in imagination and the soldiers of compartmentalization stand forth.

Ordinary people think the 'Great Tao' is actually useless. That everyone thinks it is useless, is proof of how great it is. If it was the kind of thing ordinary people thought was useful, it would have disappeared long ago.
-- Funny how it's changed from a shot I took awhile ago.

Speaks from the trees when faces appear as the degrees of light breaking behind mountain barrier warm frozen landscape and bring to life everything not dead or dormant for the frozen season.

face appears in trees
twisted kiss winks an eye where
a branch once grew out

Binocular like vision is easier when each eye has a place to go independent yet connected by the underlying pattern to the flow of everything when allowed to permeate thought through vision.

Frozen like fingers left exposed to the cold point to the pot of gold found in the circle balanced like a ring.

Again we find the ring of truth in the pattern made by the mother as she hums to the tune of om while spinning circles of symbols like mind makes perfection seem easy..
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