Thursday, December 28, 2006

sunny day

I have had an abscessed tooth since last Saturday morning. I have not really been able to eat much so I saved the turkey. Today the swelling was way down so I put the bird in the oven at 9:30 this morning. Ryder was already here and the other two were due back from their mom's around dinner time so I anticipated at least having someone here to eat it. On instinct I pulled the bird out at 4:00. Seemed done to me and without a meat thermometer I didn't have anyway to verify. Ryder was the only one here when I decided to eat. He didn't want any of the "chicken". He thinks the chicken has a turkey in it or some such thing. He was very alarmed to discover it was an actual bird being eaten. He ate lots of carrots and the beans but not the pod and tried a little meat but I was really the only one eating. I was pretty impressed with myself for the fine meal it was. It could have used some broccoli and cheese sauce and some gravy, I forgot about both, but the bird was cooked to perfection.

The tooth thing has kept me indoors for most of the last week, thus the lack of photos. I have taken a few right from my window but it's a pretty limiting vantage point. This however was simply irresistible. The bright blue sky today was a welcome change and those trees covered in snow literally jumped out of the scene.

I have been watching the icicles outside my window with considerable interest. They hang right in front of the window next door and if I lived there I could get some cool close-ups. This is the best I can get from my place.

Wow, what a different view of Elephant Mountain I have over here on this side of town. It looks awesome in the sunlight!

There will be more attempts all winter, to capture the sled in action. I missed an airborne shot by mere tenths of a second and this wipe out was the best I could do today as far as timing goes. It's still the one thing I dislike about digital, the one second delay between pushing the shutter and having it activate.


Blogger Sir James Eric Watkins said...

again, more of the same...beautiful

11:21 PM  

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