lethargic bird awoken

When I stepped out the door this morning, a robin flew from the porch next door and landed on a skinny branch where it sat for a long time. A heavy lump of lethargic bird awoken unceremoniously by a sudden warming trend not seen for months as the drip of the accumulated snow waits for the spring echo of the calling bird. It was still there by the time I went and got my camera.

Split down the middle the symbol representing dual maintains a hold on the other like the seed of an eye stays behind to gently remind the light it needs the dark or the other way around the circles find ways to maintain balance.

the drip
fluid in motion
temperature dependant
travels in between
moving image of eternity
greetings dude!
come find me!
I'm home most school nights.
i still have a drawing of yours!
may the fourth be with ya
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