sly innuendo

Once again presented as discovered and it's with a wry grin that I begin to see the effects too much looking can cause.

Have you ever walked through a dense forest in the midst of a light and warm snowfall that clings to every surface for as long as possible before sliding to the ground in a whoosh of white snow lost inside the flurry of flakes already falling and its the silence after the fall just before another load of snow dumps that exquisite steps forward and identifies itself

Sly innuendo - when plastic people perform - behind whatever - mask

In contrast this drop of snow upon a rock in an ever flowing creek is like a tear in the sheet of the image fabric as metaphor for a missing piece of person placed within to complete the puzzle only one name springs to mind on the wind whispering mary.

In between simplicity represented as two to define opposition and provide a little friction for the vision is a random shape of a conjured face of a creature left only to mind to extrapolate.

Take a long look at this inset. A parrot and a nicely defined sign of the yin/yang and with patience a face to represent us all as we peer inside for more.

Pressed into empty this tree of simplicity is carved from the vantage point above creek to appear as a smear of wet leaves shaped like a tree.

the landscape
sun behind mountains
breaks light to identify
essence imagined
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