cross that bridge

Display sunshine.

Power to the peaceful!

I love this little bridge. I cross it every opportunity I get. Apparently it can be rather unnerving for some.

The creek never gets tired of being water in motion.

Today was a good day for the crows. This one was on the upper branch and I happened to get him just as he landed on the lower one.

This one watched me for a long time and flew straight at me as he departed, very curious!

the conflict
roar of constant change
eternal place stays the same
yet temporary
These are excellent. How old is that bridge?
thanks for stopping by, the bridge would be 60 - 100 years old I imagine.
Um...YIKES! I'd go across that bridge, but by the time I got across it would be 60 years older! lol You cross it and I'll watch!
hehe, you and my daughter Tyla, though she did eventually cross, yeah! I just noticed your profile pic has changed, more reflective of your state these days, eh? whoa!
She's a brave soul.
LOL...I was wondering if you'd notice. Kind of hard to miss, isn't it? I'm a tough cookie. I just have to remind myself every now and then.
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