clouded by obscurity

My newest self-portrait, note the Leaf gear. Fully staged and as plain as an expression as I could imagine, Go Leafs Go!

Sometimes one need only take the elements presented, arrange them within a frame, take the shot and leave the rest up to the viewer to make of what they will. I see - "love-struck heart clouded by obscurity arranged where colour is the king and we do not filters tarsora for your " ...pleasure perhaps.

Trapped between layers of window glass, reflection of balance finds another way to express itself. Expression of self, finds another way to reflect itself.

Gathered like examples of the flow that goes on behind unseen by busy mind intent on a logical dissection of objects found, into manageable parts.

In more ways than one the 'x' marks the spot where the bird met its demise. One of my 'destruction' photo for this week's theme in the wpc.
Another 'destruction' photo.

the dome
profile punched into
perfect frame of reflection
creates empty space
for the face that sees the cracks
and then hears the buddha laugh
oh, look! it's the master illusionist himself! how are you, sir?
Master illusionist indeed, thanks Mary, it's hard to turn the camera towards myself, feels unnatural, still think of you every time I hear the creek speak! Hope you are well.
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