deceptive perspective

Look at this furry little fella!

Connected to the sky.

Let your freak flag fly!

Beneath the sign of the black bear, Oso Negro, vortex of swirling creative energies and entities, the coffee shop of choice!

As humble a man as you'd ever want to meet, the reverent Wayne King, once referred to as "the reincarnation of The Group of Seven"

This Wayne painting had to be documented before it disappeared to someone's wall somewhere. It sold within hours!

Documented; a link to the past; John and Margaret(nee Cowie) McCormick, on a marriage certificate 1871: great-great-great grandparents. Way to go Craig!

the curb
perception segments
on same perspective plane
they lie deceptive
when three dimensions become
flattened visually to two
awesome tanka and photo!
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