in memorium

the mother
bonded by sharing
the same blood flow for awhile
strong ancestral roots
reach through time forever
create special connections
My dear departed mother passed away 27 years ago today, Aug 23, 1980. This is a photo of her as a young woman. I wish she could have lived long enough to experience her grandchildren, but we all know there is no birth and no death and therefore no fear. (Thich Nhat Hanh)
I have been re-connecting with relatives through Facebook lately and my cousin posted this photo. I thought I would post it here so my brother Bill could grab a copy of it because I don't have an email address for him. And Bill when you read this go join Facebook too, so you can see some of the other photos our cousin Craig has posted. I'll be back to more regular posts here once summer is over and school is back in.
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