naked and unseen

And so the same tree from two days ago and suddenly it's almost naked.

As you head down the hill toward town and cut behind the church there is one place where a break in the trees affords a grand view of the glacier. It's the only spot, after that the road goes down the hill and you can't see as much of it anymore. There 's no way to avoid the lines I guess is what I'm saying.

It doesn't seem all that strange to me because I've been here a while and I know this corner but after looking one has to wonder, where do those stairs go. I'm intrigued enough by this one that i am going to come back on a Sunday or something and try it with less cars.

Again from the other side of the street, to keep perspective in line.

I saw the long black limo parked along the hill and longed to be inside then stretching back in passing by caught a glimpse of me inside and afterward realized it was raining.

I guess this will have to do as her birthday photo. And when she's fifty she can look back and remember how her dad made her go out in the cold to that exact spot and crouch down in the weeds and pretend to be happy about the whole thing, ah memories.

the unseen
truly magical
only the camera eye
sees this light dancing
along the water line where
reflection is refraction
amber, goldenish glow flow as the one who contains you.
love that shot
and the words too.
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