bad seed

From the other side of the water a snow-covered jewel sits beneath a cold sky.

Canadian citizenship tests require one to be able to identify this object. Note: it is not a beaver!

As self-reflection goes, it is quite impossible to ever achieve an absolute overview, objective enough to make unbiased interpretations of the results, even when they include the unseen eye.

I'm trying to reach 200 flower photos for 2007. I had well over 400 for 2006 so I'm either getting more selective or more bored. This is number 197, three to go and only four weeks left in the year and already everything is stuck under snow. It might be difficult.

Language of pure sound written in a script and disguised as a shroud of water moving only ice defines the pattern always there yet ever changing

the warning
contrary to scene
designated negative
lines interrupt space
indications of danger
x marks a place to avoid
"As self-reflection goes, it is quite impossible to ever achieve an absolute overview, objective enough to make unbiased interpretations of the results, even when they include the unseen eye."
good observation, I must say.
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