follow the signs

Not bad for a child very reluctant to be photographed with her parent, same eyes!

Not that I'm advocating smoking, but it's cool to see, instead of a 'no smoking' sign, which seem to be popping up everywhere.

There is something about this flower that just makes me want to rub my face in it, opiated bliss.

Flowers aren't shy, ... are they?

Purple behind orange...I dig it!

Every day I go to the park I feel obligated to record 'bob', he appears quiet and muted today.

They were under water just last week, it was really dry for awhile there.

the moment in time when sunlight breaks straight across the rock and triangulates stones usually found in a circular surround into ... as a source of agitation duality is relentless in pressing an approach that sees the other side behind the placement of objects ... when you act as conduit for the underlying pulse of the universe just trying to be and you let the elements that you perceive with one eye disappear into the void of the nameless, they are allowed to take shape as they deem necessary to explain that the meaning for the rain is balanced in a cycle
Man. I jusr can't get enough of those beautiful bright colors, or colours if you please, of the season.
I seem to always take something away from a visit here, whether it be something I was taught or merely reminded of, but it's always good.
thank you.
oh. that what it is.
You give different ways of looking at things. Not really give them to me, you see, but rather reveal the way TO them. Sort of like you point and I wander down the path of thought to find my way, THE way in fact.
thanks James,
your words are inspiring!
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