breaking boundaries

Legend has it the Sinixt tribe, survived an especially cold and hungry winter with the help of the frogs. One of the frogs turned his face to the sky and grew and grew, into Frog Mountain, to remind them always.

The road around the Slocan Bluffs, at one time, not long ago, it was only one lane.

One of the more colourful soap box derby drivers. I captured it all on video.

between the lines we find
one face on the rise
emerging into imagination

what is it being implied
by repeating vertical lines
interrupting horizontal design

broken by roots that find nourishment in the smallest bit of dirt, concrete barriers to nature will with time succumb to the power of that which is alive
I wonder if you would be so kind as to allow me to insert an attributed link or copy of your picture of Slocan Bluffs on my blog (Recycled Motorcycling). You see, I was hit by rocks and crashed my motorcycle there on Thursday and I never got a good picture of the site. Either way, thank you!
sure you can, thanks for asking and whoa that's a scary place to have an accident with falling rocks
Thanks again for letting me use the picture. I finally have it up on my blog:
Cheers, Don
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