meeting mouse

I like the way the little button leaves a colour stain, like a shadow.

its only a matter of time before the intricate
design will unfold like the mind
has a thought and makes a flower out of it

This is a furry little field mouse who appeared suddenly at my feet. I was surprised when he didn't run away from me when I stopped to get the camera out. As I bent down to get closer it did dart into the grass at the edge of the sidewalk but it came right back, silently pleading with little brown beady eyes, for some food. I found myself wondering if I had anything to feed it for its need was pervasive and desperate, like a haggard junkie panhandler needing a hit or a sandwich, and yet I walked on, content to let things exact a balance naturally.

Before you see anyone looking at you, you must resign yourself to the fact, what appears before the eyes is in no way related to objects with names registered in the brain then shadows play games with perception to reveal the tic-tac-toe foreground/background battle for supremacy that always results in a winner
aww poor mousie. i understand intellectually balance...but i'm softie, like me mums...the cute and furries are soo awwww...
email me sometime:
i think the mouse is a buddha-test ... you feel compassion - you pass ... disgust or fear - more work to do.
I will send out a line sometime!
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