eye serene

Yeah, yeah Bob again, you see I have this unwritten little note in the back of my brain that says 'if you can't find a shot, go and shoot Bob'.

It is cold, these birds are frozen to the wire, except for one, who oddly enough is also the only one in shadow.

This is cool, the waterfall is almost frozen over, a couple of more days and it might be.

one impediment in icy stream
makes a face at the cold
resisting the flow

if a mountain could be moved
until it broke the ice
would the sky shatter as well

there is nothing here but water
at different depths for colour
as though a mountain could be seen

one face highlighted
by spotlight of sunlight
beaming down

given in to the vision of vastness as not an eyeball seeing thing, the indiscriminate selection of frame, freed through an empty brain, will find competitiveness dulls the mind into thinking there is more than awareness and an ability to connect to it.
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