A trip to Silverton to visit with my brother and his family.

Idaho Peak with its many avalanche chutes.

A couple of the flowers in their yard.

These look like huge golden dandelions.

We took a trip to Wragge Beach for a few hours.

The tiny islands offshore are cool.

to question the manifestation of your own imagination
is to challenge the universe to reveal itself

when the creek formed a face
in order to speak
it was only in the swirl
that has to change to be

allowed to freely interpret the balance of light and dark
in a certain place within the flow of the stream
it is possible to find your own kind of balance

universal cellular structure
is a precise imitation
of the given vibration
as observed

a reflection changes the line of vision
to help the mind extrapolate
the direction of the tension

self discovery through shadow
never sees the face
that has no eyes
with which to see