the house cont'd

The top half of the wall drops to the floor with a huge bang, loud enough to scare people outside. It came right after the head on the table and it spelled the end of the journey for many as they turned right around here and left. The strobe light on the glow in the dark skull face was very scary. Definitely one of the most effective stunts!

The blood here was the only gore we had. Pretty mild but the doctor who suddenly popped out was very startling.

The scary monster under the bed. The bed rattles and smokes, with drawers in the cabinet moving too!

Pop goes the chair as out flies a monster!

The mirror didn't work out as well as planned. Turns out most people rushed through here because the bedroom scared them so much and they barely noticed the mirror. When it works it is very scary as the monster appears right beside your own reflection.

The long hallway with jail cells and groping monsters had a very cool claustrophobic effect. It was my favourite section.

The awesome coffins that Michael built and the rats with glowing red eyes.

The real monsters!