monster in the machine

Balanced to peer into the one eye vortex open to all the possibilities alive in the furnace of the universe that burns like life blood flows.

Realized as the integration of three mediums into one image of art.

Collected as objects directing attention to the selection of elements to keep the circle of vision going.

Understated like a path leading into the distance has to say nothing to explain which direction to go, inside.

Hiding in the sky is the starfield pattern that coincides with an individual 'eye' and communicates directly to the mind whether the voice came from the creek or not.

Finding the way back to ohm is simple when the ends of the ties bearing the train of thought speak and say don't ask why, just do.

Ever elusive and yet such a clear indication of continuance upon not along a path as he sat in the moment with the elephant who said, remember to never forget.

Fill in the missing spaces, swallowed by a one eyed perspective on a flat world that stepped aside from the grid structure of predictability to present the symbolic inadequacy to complete the picture.

The monster in the machine sees faces walking by and catches their eyes to invoke the spirit of fear of things that leer with long tentacles.