Today's flowers brought to you at great cost to my self-esteem! Sheesh!

Well, fortunately '
suspicious behaviour' is not a crime. However it is enough to have me detained and questioned on the street, insulted and threatened by a police officer, convinced I was a clever thief who just '
hadn't been caught yet', and barred from a business's property. While I admit to being somewhat '
unorthodox' in my approach to finding photographs. All right I can be a bit weird at times, still, the power-tripping cop didn't have to insult and threaten me, '
this is a small town Dave, be careful." Yeah right. Okay, I think I have some rights here!

Details. I walk through this parking lot (unnamed to protect my innocence) almost daily as it is between the school and the mall and it is on a corner, so it's like a short cut. I have at least three or four photos from in and around the building. Today, the only blooming flower I've seen in a long time. So I went and photographed it. No big deal. Except that I had to come close to the door, which I had done last week when looking for a hiding Ryder, who turned out to be in a bush not in the door well. The owners came out that day to see what it was I was doing at their door. So I guess when they saw me today they figured I must be up to no good. As I walked away from the photo I noticed a cab driver watching me. He turned and circled the block, staring at me. I thought nothing of it. I know him and have for years. He was talking to the cops on his radio and following me. Later he corroborated the building owners' story that indeed I was acting very strange and suspicious. GIVE ME A BREAK. Seriously. That was all the cops needed to convince them I was lying and I mean look at me. Unshaven, huddled beneath a hooded jacket. I could be some street thug from NY for that matter. Sorry, just an old hippy who doesn't give a shit.
Note the right edge of the flower where the shape of the petal seems to make a face cackling with laughter.

So, the cops used my photos to show the people that indeed I had been taking a photo. The flower. The people confirmed that yes, that was their flower, but obviously the photography is merely a cover for some far more sinister activity. Like what? I'm casing the joint so I can come back later and rob it. Oh I suppose. Damn, oh well, I'm sure they thought I was even weirder when they saw today's collection of photos. Enjoy! They'll never stop me. I will be weird forever!

Within the layers of vibration constituting attachment to any given plane of focus the eyes inside the imagined mind see the self from inside and out. Yeah that's me in all my hooded glory, scary eh?

I'm hooked on these photographs where one has to look for a while in order for the background foreground shift to occur, then all kinds of new things come out. Go with the flow.

Well this was the first photo I took today, appropriate as the last for I need a good laugh. Watch out where you lurk, you jerk!